Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My first blog EVER!!!

Wowwww!! My first blog EVER!!!

I am very new to this. I am making this because I was inspired by other bloggers. Also keeping a diary will be helpful tracking things with my life. I had diaries when I was younger but stopped when I went into highschool. I used to have AA haha (yes I am old) but forgot how to do anything anymore T^T Now I am creeping into my late 20's and time is going by soooo fast to keep track of things. I will write and share about fashion, beauty, music, family, friends and anything else that are going around or rather interesting (in my POV) in my life. I hope this becomes private because I feel kind of shy doing blogging because it is available ONLINE haha

I am not super diligent so I hope I don't forget about this in the future T^T

I am soooooooo new to this and techno-tarded(made up word XD)


  1. welcome to the blogging world <3

  2. welcomeeee~~~ nice lashes and thanks for ur sweetttieee comment which i have taken forever to get back to:( failed blogger i am.. aha hope to see more posts from u! x
